August update from Haiti and the US

August update from Haiti and the US

Just like in the US, August is “get ready for school” month. Teachers start gathering supplies and getting their classrooms ready, and prospective students come in to get registered. HOM and Haitian partner MICECC operate 3 primary schools and 1 secondary school...
What a celebration!

What a celebration!

The excitement was contagious at our 35th Anniversary celebration! It was a reunion as well as old friends greeted one another and reminisced about their time in Haiti. Walker Gaulding had the crowd laughing out loud sharing stories of young Leon and the beginnings of...
Latest Update from HOM/MICECC Campuses

Latest Update from HOM/MICECC Campuses

While the headlines coming out of Haiti continue to be sobering, our programs have had a relatively stable week. Our staff thankfully have remained safe.  Here is an update on how things are going on the HOM/MICECC campuses: Schools: The three primary schools and the...